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Annabeth van Rooijen

Designer, Creator, Dreamer.


I design and create
fashion and textiles.

My name is Annabeth van Rooijen. My background includes a two-year Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design from the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA) in Milan, Italy and a Bachelor’s degree from the Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI). This Master in combination with my Bachelor degree from the Amsterdam Fashion Institute has given me a good balance between creative, commercial and technical insight.

At NABA, I focused on both fashion and textile design and further developed my skills in collection development and fabric finishes and treatments. With that being said, this online portfolio is a representative collection of materials, information and work products that I have prepared throughout my studies at NABA or AMFI and individually, studies aside.

My Work
Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design
NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
Milan, Italy
Minor Textile Technology
University of Borås
Borås, Sweden
Bachelor of Fashion Technologies
Amsterdam Fashion Institute
Amsterdam, The Netherlands